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[Aroid-l] I.D.`ing Monstera photos.
From: lbmkjm at yahoo.com (brian lee) on 2008.06.23 at 04:28:57(17912)
Dear George and all listening,
I agree with Julius that Monstera is a very difficult genus to identify from sterile material...from photographs, without scale...metric or inches, or locality data, etc. Monstera can be confused for other genera in the sterile vegetative state...so conservative opinions should prevail.
I am very glad that this discussion is taking place. As a collective mind, perhaps we can learn something more about the little known species or variations in this genus and the Asian counterparts, ie. Raphidophora, Amydrium, etc. I encourage additional photographs of plants... especially if details of diagnostic characteristics are shown.
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--- On Sun, 6/22/08, ju-bo at msn.com wrote:
> From: ju-bo at msn.com
> Subject: [Aroid-l] I.D.`ing Monstera photos.
> To: "Discussion of aroids"
> Date: Sunday, June 22, 2008, 1:54 AM
> ----------------------------------------
> > Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2008 15:27:14 +0800
> > To: aroid-l at gizmoworks.com
> > From: gcyao at mydestiny.net
> > Subject: [Aroid-l] What Monstera Is This?
> >
> Dear George,
> In my opinion, the photos of the leaves could be any of
> several species of Monstera.
> In some of these medium-to-smaller sized Monstera species,
> there is tremendous variation in the extent/amount of
> perforation in the leaf blades. Collectors tend to
> ''lean'' to the more extreme forms with the
> most perforations. This genus is not my ''strong
> point'', but I believe you`ll have to send photos
> of spadix details and close ups of the veination of the
> leaf, especially around the edges, to receive a valid
> opinion as to species. I`ll leave the determination to
> someone more familiar with the genus than I! Perhaps
> Leland might have an opinion.
> Good Growing,
> Julius
> Hello,
> >
> > Since we are discussing Monstera, I am curious to know
> what Monstera
> > in the attached images is.
> >
> > George Yao
> > Metro-Manila
> > Philippines
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