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[Aroid-l] tall Alocasia 'Calidora' with a "pseudotrunk"
From: gcyao at mydestiny.net (George Yao) on 2008.06.26 at 09:32:48(17976)
I encountered this tall A. macrorrhizos 2 years ago in habitat.
George Yao
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At 6/24/2008 04:30 AM, you wrote:
>I knew the tubers on some Alocasia would grow above
>ground and form a "pseudotrunk" but didn't know they
>could get this big. This is Alocasia 'Calidora' and it
>is about 7ft tall with about 5ft of "trunk"
>Orlando,FL z9b/10a
>Aroid-L mailing list
>Aroid-L at www.gizmoworks.com
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