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[Aroid-l] Plant variation,
From: Steve at ExoticRainforest.com (ExoticRainforest) on 2008.06.29 at 11:48:39(17999)
You told me that once Pete. But if I say "jungles of east Malaysia" who is going to know how to find you? I've been to Singapore twice and at least I could ask you to meet me on Orchard Blvd. at the McDonald's or Burger King or better yet one of the incredible restaurants for a Singapore Sling! Maybe we can do that some time? And Singapore is certainly a concrete jungle, but the cleanest I've ever seen!
Thanks for making that clear!
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Hi Steve,
One very small point, I live in the eral jungles of East Malaysia, not the concrete jungle of Singapore!
Very best
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