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[Aroid-l] Colocasia forms
From: pugturd at alltel.net (Brian Williams) on 2008.07.09 at 04:58:26(18120)
I have been growing and working with a lot of Colocasias and I have a
few plants that have shown to bend or break personal rules that I have
used to ID Colocasias from other aroids. Here is a link to a great site
for finding unusual plant photos. The following photo is from a lady in
Hawaii who grew out a taro plant. I am not sure if this form is common
or if she just happened to pick a unusual form. The leaves are cut all
the way to the stems. This is a feature I would most likely see on a
Xanthosoma not Colocasia their are more photos of this plant shown in
her photo slide. I have not seen this on any other Colocasia and found
it extremely odd. I know IDing plants from foliage is not pure science
but it usually gives me a idea of what the plant is and I can usually
get a good ID or at least place the plant in the right section.
Here is the link
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