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[Aroid-l] Colocasia forms
From: pugturd at alltel.net (Brian Williams) on 2008.07.12 at 13:31:15(18137)
Thank you for the information. I have one form of Ele Ele but it has no
deep sinus cut in the leaves. This is a interesting behavior that I have
not seen in any other Colocasias.
brian lee wrote:
| +More |
>Dear Brian,
>This is a member of the Piko or belly button group of Hawaiian taro. Just from a quick look at the photo, it looks like Piko kea. Piko ele ele is similar with the sinus cut to the petiole attachment, but the petioles are lavendar blackish in color.
>--- On Tue, 7/8/08, Brian Williams wrote:
>>From: Brian Williams
>>Subject: [Aroid-l] Colocasia forms
>>To: "Discussion of aroids"
>>Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 6:58 PM
>>I have been growing and working with a lot of Colocasias and
>>I have a
>>few plants that have shown to bend or break personal rules
>>that I have
>>used to ID Colocasias from other aroids. Here is a link to
>>a great site
>>for finding unusual plant photos. The following photo is
>>from a lady in
>>Hawaii who grew out a taro plant. I am not sure if this
>>form is common
>>or if she just happened to pick a unusual form. The leaves
>>are cut all
>>the way to the stems. This is a feature I would most likely
>>see on a
>>Xanthosoma not Colocasia their are more photos of this
>>plant shown in
>>her photo slide. I have not seen this on any other
>>Colocasia and found
>>it extremely odd. I know IDing plants from foliage is not
>>pure science
>>but it usually gives me a idea of what the plant is and I
>>can usually
>>get a good ID or at least place the plant in the right
>>Here is the link
>>Aroid-L mailing list
>>Aroid-L at www.gizmoworks.com
>Aroid-L mailing list
>Aroid-L at www.gizmoworks.com
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