Here is the site of the botanical garden
----- Original Message -----
From: "brian lee"
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Tom Croat Conferance at The Nancy Bot Gard,France
Dear Genevieve,
Aloha and bonjour.
I have not met Dr. Croat in person. However, I grow many plants associated
with his collections and his publications are treasured references in my
I have also never visited the great botanic gardens in Europe, but from wha t
I have learned;there are wonderful collections of Araceae. Congratulations
on assembling such fully documented is so important for th e
Most of my experience with Araceae in habitat was in Brazil. At the time,
good information was difficult to obtain. I worked with Brazilian botanist s
to collect for various ex-situ collections in Brazil. Among these were the
Augusto Ruschi Museum in Santa Teresa, Rio Botanical Gardens, and Roberto
Burle-Marx's collection which he donated to the Brazilian government. We
collected from areas actively being destroyed. I have a good understanding
of in-situ preservation, but also the necessity of well-documented ex-situ
I am glad that you had a successful conference with Dr. Croat. Araceae
deserve more attention on the global scene and Dr. Croat is certainly one o f
the best ambassadors for the Family.
Leland Miyano
--- On Sat, 8/30/08, Famille FERRY wrote:
> From: Famille FERRY
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Tom Croat Conferance at The Nancy Bot Gard,France
> To: "Discussion of aroids"
> Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 7:27 AM
> Bonjour ,
> Oh yes, what feast. During more than an hour Dr . Tom
> Croat has read his text french with a great deal of
> application. Everybody was attentive and admiratif for the
> work done. It was a beautiful time of our meetings with
> Belgian and Dutch friends as well as aroidophiles from
> Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg.
> From the bottom of my heart, thank you Tom!
> Geneviève Ferry , Nancy FRANCE
> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 10:03 PM
> Subject: [Aroid-l] Tom Croat Conferance at The Nancy Bot
> Gard,France
> I was yesterday in France for a conferance from Mr Thomas
> Croat at the Nancy Botanical Garden.
> I haven't got the chance to meet Mr Croat before and
> it was for me a great opportunity to do so with the help of
> Genevieve Ferry who,i know,had work a lot to made this
> conferance real.I had the chance to talk with Mr Croat a
> long time,altough it should probably be never enough in my
> vue...It is amazing how simple this man was able to stay!It
> was really an honor for me to meet him and i wanted to say
> of course a great thank, to him first off course, for his
> disponibility,his knowledge,his kindless,his humor....but
> also to all the people who made this meet possible!Aroid is
> a very little country,but what kind of good people are
> living there!I meet some very nice people yesterday!
> Dany Hervelle,Belgium
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