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  Re: [Aroid-l] Wikipedia`s falsehoods
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.02.01 at 16:04:13(19019)
Consider referring to any of thesources I listed a few days ago. All are from scientific sources andif you follow the method I outlined on using Dr. Croat's field notesfrom TROPICOS in my previous note you'll get the best informationpossible. I'm listing the links here again:

TROPICOS which is aservice of the Missouri Botanical Garden

The International Aroid Society. You'll find tons of good info here!

The Aroid l Index. To use this try typing in the name of the plant andthen click on all the years. The system will search for anydiscussions of that species from the beginning of Aroid l
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Aroid l achieves search.mht

The International Plant Names Index which is a service of the RoyalBotanic Garden Kew in London. This is considered the ultimate sourceby many but rarely lists details and only confirms the validity ofnames.

Kew Monocot Checklist. This site sometimes contains good info aboutwhy a plant is a synonym instead of the currently accepted name.
C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\Kew World Monocots ChecklistSeries.mht

The Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families

Cate Araceae

In addition, look up any of the major botanical garden websites. Sometimes you will find the information you need.

Of course, you should add all of Dr. Croat's journals on Philodendron,Anthurium and other genera you are interested in learning about toyou library. Be certain you own a copy of Deni Bown's book Aroids,Plants of the Arum Family. One of the ultimate scientific sourcebooks is The Genera of Araceae by Mayo, Bogner and Boyce. Manyof you often read Pete Boyce's material right here! Julius and I bothdepend on that text heavily since you can learn very detailed info thatis rarely available in other sources. You can order just about all of these from the IAS.

Steve Lucas



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