From: "Jared R. McKinley" <jaredr.mckinley at> on 2009.03.07 at 00:13:04(19165)
Yay! I got my first four seedlings. They look great.
I would love to hear everyone's experiences with this species. I have been around these plants before, but I would like to hear what various techniques people have used.
I intend on pushing three of them, keeping one on a moderate level in case I get too greedy. I am growing organically, and will be using a fungal-based compost tea and feeding fungal based foods for the soil. If this sounds like Greek sorry, I have totally abandoned the use of water soluble fertilizers. I am taking a more pro-biotic approach to growing EVERYTHING. Though I am not judgmental about those who stay with the old ways of doing things. I wonder how many people have tried to grow plants like aroids this way?
Anyway, like I said, I will be pushing this plant. I live in Tucson, in a very hot climate. My plant will be in a humid greenhouse, and I will not let temperatures get above 95. I might even try a little lower, though titanums can usually take good heat from what I hear.
This plant will get really good sun too (pretty much a filtered full sun--33% shade cloth) which here is pretty damn bright.
Even as seedlings I have to day, these plants are pretty frickin' handsome.
((Expecto Patronum))
Jared R. McKinley