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Re: [Aroid-l] Alocasia identification
From: Helmut Reisenberger <gartenbaureisenberger at web.de> on 2009.03.08 at 14:40:08(19169)
Hi David, sehr geehrter Herr Magister!
You are right, this is definetily Alocasia macrorrhiza Schott.
This misidentification in the HBV (Vienna Botanical Garden) is less embarra ssing as you realize that in all even more famous botanical collections (op en to the public) you will find this phenomena. I even have found heavy mis informations in the reknown "Palmengarten" in Franfurt (Germany). In once h ad offered them to redo the labels.
So far it is good to have a grandious source of information in the IAS, bas ed on Dr. Croat, Peter Boyce and many others. Not to forget Steve Lucas, wh o never gets tired in discussing and publishing relevant articles under "ex oticrainforest.com" .
But we should also keep in mind, that some ages ago the father of H.W.Schot t had been the head of the HBV. So this is a good chance to offer an new in itiative in Vienna to give any assistance to the ambitious folks working in and for the HBV.
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> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: "David Broederbauer"
> Gesendet: 05.03.09 23:25:35
> An: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
> Betreff: [Aroid-l] Alocasia identification
> Hello,
> I have found an aroid at the botanical garden of Vienna, which was
> classified as Xanthosoma sagittifolium. But that's wrong, I guess.
> I would say its an Alocasia (basal placentation, ovules few), maybe
> Alocasia macrorrhizos?
> Here is the link to the pictures plus information:
> http://www.botanik.univie.ac.at/morphology/morphology/scientific/scientif ic.htm
> Any suggestion would be helpful and ,if needed, I could send more pictures
> or detailed informations.
> All the best,
> David
> --
> Mag. David Bröderbauer
> Faculty Center of Biodiversity
> Department of Palynology and Structural Botany
> University of Vienna
> Rennweg 14
> A 1030 Wien
> Austria
> http://www.botanik.univie.ac.at/morphology/
> Tel.:++43 1 4277 54087
> Fax: ++43 1 4277 9541
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