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  Re: [Aroid-l] A. titanum, organically
From: "Jared R. McKinley" <jaredr.mckinley at gmail.com> on 2009.03.09 at 21:52:17(19177)
I raise spores of specific mycorrhizae, and keep my compost as aerobic and fungal as possible to raise all the native beneficial fungi I can (same with the beneficial bacteria, nematodes, and microarthropods--feeding it lots of fungal foods like kelp, fish emulsion, and keeping it on the woody side). I use the microscope to monitor my compost, and tea inoculants). EM is mostly some interesting facultative anaerobic microbes that are raised on cabbage in Japan. I find their product to be inconsistent (I monitored the product myself through the microscope). It is an ok food even if the microbes are dormant or dead. If you have not already done so, a good starting place is here: http://www.soilfoodweb.com/ Elaine Ingham teaches VERY interesting courses on making good quality compost and compost tea. I don't agree with EVERYTHING she says. But I agree with her more than anyone else out there. Her background is in microbiology and she works directly with a very diverse group of people (everyone from agriculture outfits, to nurseries, to compost companies, landscapers, home gardeners, botanical gardens, etc.). The books available on their website are great.




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