From: James Waddick <jwaddick at> on 2009.03.30 at 16:00:38(19209)
Dear Aroiders,
I justread this entry at the Cistus Nursery site at
Sauromatum venosum monarch of the east
Striking, tuberous Araceae, the spring flowers (spathe) mottledin fleshy pink to metallic maroon and followed
by an attractive, single leaf on a 2-3 ft petiole. Stunning,especially in flower. Very tropical. Also aromatic,
redolent of fly-attracting odors that can be mitigated by aspray of water or left to work their own kind of
magic. Half sun and regular summer water.
Havingrecently been driven briefly out of the house by a blooming plant inthe basement, I wonder if this is true. Could I have simply sprayedthe inflorescence with water and eliminated the stink ?
Anyonehave experience with this method?
Manythanks. JimW.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711