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Re: [Aroid-l] Stopping the Stink
From: Steve Marak <samarak at gizmoworks.com> on 2009.04.01 at 03:41:10(19211)
Haven't tried it for Sauromatum/Typhonium/whatever it is this month, but
I suspect it would work.
About 1986 or so, walking by a room deep within Wal-Mart's general office
I noticed a huge bouquet of Dracunculus vulgaris inflorescences in a vase.
I'd never seen them before, and was so entranced that I buzzed about them
like a fly, but there was no odor whatever, and none of her co-workers
were the least upset.
The lady who brought them in said that she "deodorized" them by washing
the inflorescences out with a garden hose. I've tried it with equal
success several times. Another option that works for me is to cut them and
submerge in a bucket of water for a few hours (discarding the water, of
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On Mon, 30 Mar 2009, James Waddick wrote:
> Dear Aroiders,
> I just read this entry at the Cistus Nursery site at
> http://www.cistus.com/mailorder/CistusMailOrderWinter2009.pdf
> Sauromatum venosum monarch of the east
> Striking, tuberous Araceae, the spring flowers (spathe) mottled in fleshy pink
> to metallic maroon and followed
> by an attractive, single leaf on a 2-3 ft petiole. Stunning, especially in
> flower. Very tropical. Also aromatic,
> redolent of fly-attracting odors that can be mitigated by a spray of water or
> left to work their own kind of
> magic. Half sun and regular summer water.
> Having recently been driven briefly out of the house by a blooming
> plant in the basement, I wonder if this is true. Could I have simply sprayed
> the inflorescence with water and eliminated the stink ?
> Anyone have experience with this method?
> Many thanks. Jim W.
> --
> Dr. James W. Waddick
> 8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
> Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
> Ph. 816-746-1949
> Zone 5 Record low -23F
> Summer 100F +
-- Steve Marak
-- samarak@gizmoworks.com
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