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  Re: [Aroid-l] Help with Anthurium scherzerianum
From: Tindomul Er-Murazor <tindomul1of9 at yahoo.com> on 2009.05.15 at 18:07:08(19325)
I have kept one of these for 3 years now and without luck. Well at least enough luck to keep it happy. It always seems to throw out 3-4 new leaves when I think its reached its end. But it has never grown into anything proper. I've tried soil, sphag, orchid mix, and now it is in semi-hydroponics. At first I thought wow, it likes semi-hydroponics because it was putting on so many new leaves, but eventually the story turned out the same as before. I too am at my wits end.

Message: 2
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 21:57:50 EDT



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