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  Woo Tau, Taro Root
From: Gabe Thomas <cdanielle at prodigy.net> on 1998.03.13 at 06:32:12(1950)
I found what was labled as Taro Root Woo Tau at a grocery store. It came
from lucky produce Portland OR. Does anyone know what this is? I'm
hoping it's not Colocasia esculenta 'Elephant Ear' because if so I paid
too much for it. Unlike Home Depot, it was priced by the pound and I
picked out the biggest one. The lady at the checkout was curious what it
was used for, I told her I wasn't going to eat it I was going to plant
it. If I find out that it is the common elephant ear I just may try
eating it, as I don't need more. So what's the verdict plant or taro
chips? Anyone have any suggestions?

Gabe Thomas

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