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  Re: [Aroid-l] Gbberellic acid and BIG OOPS!!
From: "Sherry Gates" <TheTropix at msn.com> on 2009.08.05 at 19:06:24(19641)
Hi all,

I don't know anything at all about any of these chemicals, but it made me wonder... what effect might any/all of these chemicals have on someone (or their future children...yikes!) if they were regularly exposed to them, whether inhaled (fumes I suppose?) or accidentally splashed on their skin or their clothes? Could any of these chemicals cause possible genetic problems if a child was concieved after one or both parents had been previously exposed? I'm honestly asking, I have no idea.

Meanwhile, I'm sticking to rabbit poo!!! lol I don't get several years' growth in a season, but they're happy.

Praying for rain in Texas,




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