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  Re: [Aroid-l] Monstera fruits - when ripe?
From: Michael Pascall <mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2009.08.06 at 07:25:01(19645)
Steve , yes it takes 1 whole year for monstera fruit to ripen .
You will notice the older fruits slowly drooping to nearly horizontal .
The scales closest to the peduncle [base ] will start peeling off .
This is the perfect time to pick . Wrap up in newspaper , and you can place in a plastic bag with a ripe banana to speed up ripening .
This is so you can eat more than the few cms that ripen normally.
Be careful not to peel off to many scales as the fruit may irritate your mouth.

I used to have several fruits standing up in jars in the kitchen . And eat a little from each one mmmmmmm. Dissapointing when you find seed in the fruit as there is less flesh then .
Actually very rare to get seeds .
Michael Pascall,



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