IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Unknown aroid pict. now available!
From: Don Martinson <dmartin at post.its.mcw.edu> on 1998.03.22 at 06:11:11(1970)
Dear Aroiders,
The picture of my Mystery Aroid from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is now
viewable at:

Both Don Burns and Tom Croat took a stab at ID-ing it from my admittedly
vague description, both suggesting one of several species of Anthurium
(Pachyneurium section). I regret I wasn't able to get a picture of the
fruiting bodies - my film ran out! They were both pretty well mature with
yellowish-green, somewhat translucent berries. I did manage to collect
some seed and would be happy to make it available to anyone interested.
Please contact me by private e-mail. Thanks again for everyone's help.

Don Martinson

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