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Re: [Aroid-l] Dracunculus growing on clay Z5
From: bonaventure at optonline.net on 2009.08.12 at 16:13:33(19702)
Mine grew well for me here for years in locations of loose soil with little other plant competition. They would bloom in late May here in my zone 7 garden (about -10C) but in milder winter start showing above ground as early as January. Unfortunayely as my soil has become richer, more compacted, and more populated/shaded, individual colonies died out. I had several healthy blooming plants this spring, but after an unusually cool and wet May and June they collapsed and I found the tubers rotting. I've brought them indoors, cleaned them, and am storing them indoors until next year to see if I can save them.
Bonaventure Magrys
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