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[Aroid-l] Way off subject!!]
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.09.03 at 01:58:58(19911)
I have a few more photos to add to this little mystery plant inhopes one of you will know what it is and solve the mystery for myfriend. From this angle I'm no longer sure about it being velutinous.
Please let me know what you think it might be!
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This is way out of the realm ofaroids but I have a lady asking is this is a Hosta? I don't think sobut I know zip about hostas other than we have several hundred in theyard. Does anyone recognize the plant so I can give her some sort ofanswer? It appears to be velutinous and I'd guess it was related tothe Gesneriad family.
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