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  [Aroid-l] Extra bed at Indigo Hotel--save a few bucks!
From: Devin Biggs <dbiggs at xantusidesign.net> on 2009.09.05 at 00:28:27(19938)
Hi Everybody,

I hope that this offer is OK to post(?).

I reserved a room at the Indigo for the nights of the 17th, 18th and 19th. The room has two double beds and I would be happy to share it with anybody who might like to split the
charge and save some cash.

I am a male human and I understand that I don't snore so loud, although I am just a little grumpy first thing in the morning ;). Please send an email back to me (
dbiggs@xantusidesign.net ) if you have any interest.


Devin Biggs

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