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RE: A. titanum
From: Wilbert Hetterscheid <hetter at vkc.nl> on 1998.04.22 at 15:23:26(2028)
Dear Kathy,
If you make photos of Jim's plant, please include one or two close-ups
of the "intimate" parts at the base of the spadix (for which you'll have
to cut the spathe away there).
| +More |
> Dear aroiders:
> One of the plants that I grew from seed from Jim Symon in Feb. 1995
> is about to bloom. The inflorescence looks like it will be small,
> probably less than one foot tall, and since the tuber is young and
> small, I suppose that makes sense.
> What would be the best way to get a photo of it out to the group? I
> can have a photo scanned. I know how to send it out as an attachment,
> but would everyone in the group be able to receive an attachment? My
> computer skills are lacking.
> -Kathy Upton University of Missouri, St.Louis
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