Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 05:02:52 +0100
Subject: [Aroid-l] Fw: Please i need id on this Araceae plant
Dear Experts,
I think it is something from the tribe Culcasieae (Cercestis or Culcasia), could you help?
Thanks in advance
Dear Sir,
Top of the day to you.
Please i need your help in identifying this plant which belongs to the Araceae family. it is normally found in rainforest and is a religious plant used in Edo state, Nigeria. I am thinking it belongs to the Syngonium or Cercestis genera but i dont know how sure that is.
I willbe greatful if you can assist.
Thank you a lot
Ogie-Odia Efosa
Always TRY and lend a helping hand when someone is in NEED
With Warmest Regards......
Ogie-Odia Efosa.A
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