IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] pictures from the 2nd MidAmerica meeting at the MoBot
From: "Tom Croat" <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2010.05.03 at 18:39:32(21006)
Dear Marek:

In order: Monstera oblique (a form which may prove to be a
distinct species); Anthurium crystalinum; Philodendron subgen.
Philodendron (need a lot more detail); Anchomanes; Typhonium?;
Amorphophallus (we have this one in the greenhouse and I will forward to
Emily to see what it is); Anthurium (You must always show leaves. Only a
couple of species out of the 1500 species can be determined with an
inflorescence alone); Anthurium cf. debilis Croat; Aglaonema cf.
marantifolium; Monstera pinnatipartita? ; Caladium bicolor? (possibly a


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