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  Re: [Aroid-l] I need to borrow a photo!
From: Brian Williams <pugturd at windstream.net> on 2010.08.23 at 04:34:27(21306)
Steve I have to agree that the Spathiphyllums do love water I have had
them growing in wet conditions for years. I think that their may be some
truth to both sides. Your plant looks great and healthy but your water
is probably slightly oxygenated and very warm. Other who may have them
growing in stagnate or less oxygenated water would get much different
results. I have found this to be the same with even water loving aroids
like Urospatha and Cytrosperma species. If the water is heated
oxygenated and moving you have a perfect environment for them. Another
complaint in the aquatic world would be the fact that Spathiphyllums
would not survive under water for long periods of time like Lagenadra or
Anubias. I just recently expanded my collection on these and some
cryptos. So far they are doing well under constant misting.
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