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  [Aroid-l] My request for writers
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2010.09.26 at 21:22:39(21516)
To the editors of Aroideana, our Newsletter, the board of
governors and all our members:

Sadly, I have just been informed that my request for volunteer writers
for Aroideana and our quarterly newsletter have been misconstrued as my
someone wishing to take over the jobs of those publication's editors.
I have never had any such intention. I have volunteered my time to
write for both and am now in the process of doing another article at
the request of Carla our our newsletter editor. I am unsure how my
name ever became involved with submission of articles to Aroideana but
I never have had any intention of that happening. I did request on
several plant forums that if anyone had an idea for any article for
either publication please forward it to me and I would see it went to
the proper editor. That was never intended to be a request to allow me
to approve the article! I am looking for volunteers and we have a ton
of talent in this organization that in my opinion is being wasted.

Derek, if you were insulted in any way by my request, please accept my
personal and sincere apology. Carla, the same goes to you. I have one
goal for the IAS, to make it grow! Not one thing else! I have never
tried to make once cent off the IAS and give free advertising to the
IAS on many pages on my website. Most of you don' know, but my little
site just achieved its 1.5 millionth hit and lots of folks send me
private notes to tell me they just joined. Since many of the emails
addressed to the IAS also come to me personally as the IAS
corresponding secretary I make an attempt to answer each and every one
and point them to a source that can give them good information.

Those of you that are new members know that I try to write to each of
you personally thanking you for joining and pointing out what you can
find on the IAS site, our FACEBOOK account and attempt to help form new
chapters in your own areas when possible. As a result, many of us
become friends and begin long term correspondence. Personally, I enjoy
that very much but there is not one person that can say I ever offered
to sell them a single plant. I most cases, I just give them away.

There appears to be some that believe I am over stepping my bounds as
the IAS secretary. You should know I discuss all I try to do with
quite a few members of the board of governors before acting. There are
projects going on right now that few of your know about that are
intended to increase your enjoyment of the IAS as well as increase our

If you find what I try to do for our society offensive, I apologize to
you as well. I just know how many times Derek has asked for
submissions without response and I also know how often Carla needs help
finding good articles. Derek needs good submissions so if you have
good ideas contact him right now: derek burch

The number one request I receive personally from our members is "why
don't we have more horticultural articles in the IAS publications?".
That was the soul goal of my recent post. Nothing else. I'm looking
for folks to contact our editors with ideas, not one thing else. I
edit neither of these publications and I have no desire to try to take
over or control the content of either. So those that somehow believe
otherwise, please be assured all I want is to see the IAS grow and give
our members what they are asking to see. Not one other thing.

Once again, my sincere apologies to anyone whose "toes" I my have
unintentionally tread upon.

Steve Lucas



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