IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] My request for writers
From: "Daniel Devor" <plantguy at zoominternet.net> on 2010.09.27 at 11:22:49(21518)

Well, I can say that in all honesty I did not read anything that sinister in to your e-mail. It appeared to me to be a sincere request for additional articles, be they scientiific or more anecdotal in nature, rather than an attempt at a coup d'etat!

While I have never become a member for who knows what reason I appreciate a great deal what everyone does to make this sort of organization possible as I have served on editorial boards myself and know all to well how much work is involved in reviewing manuscripts prior to publication, etc.

Steve, I think that your continued outreach is vital and I applaud you for it as it is not an easy job and as you are now painfully aware things can be misconstrued.

Keep up the fabulous work everyone,




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