From: Johannes Moonen <emeraldjunglevillage at> on 2010.11.02 at 10:23:45(21620)
Hi Jude & all,
Good to know it is Aglaomena brevispathum !
Dieffenbachia's are still a badly known group of Araceae.
I think there are real wild ones in the rainforest like D humilis.
But others, especially on the coastal area grow where Amerindians have lived and are likely culture plants that survived after the Arowaks? moved.
The monkey is a black spider monkey or kwata (Atelis paniscus).
It lives only in undisturbed rainforest, families of about 6 - 8 and is a very important seed disperser.
They are the most 'human' of the 8 species of monkeys in the Guianas. They have only 4 fingers (the thumb is missing) on the hands, but have a real finger on the end of the tail. The males have a strong territorial call, almost as loud as howler monkeys, but kwatas screem only during the day.
Back to aroids, tchao, Joep