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  Re: [Aroid-l] Arum ID please - bought as palaestinum
From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2011.03.10 at 20:12:04(21964)

Dear Bernhard,

Do you have a photo of a leaf?

I had Arum concinnatum a few years ago,

and every time it bloomed, the inflorescence was different.

The petioles were brown too,

the leaves all green without any markings,

and the male flowers were yellow,

but the appendix was much longer:


It also reminds me of Arum cylindraceum

because of round rhizomes and paper-like almost transparent spathe.

however my plant has a purple appendix and dark male flowers.

See the attached photos how it bloomed in 2010.

So I have no idea,




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