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  Re: [Aroid-l] is it an Anubias?
From: Theodore Held <oppenhauser2001 at gmail.com> on 2011.06.13 at 15:36:17(22103)

I think Peter is probably right that the plant might be an Anubias
after all. (Plural is simply Anubias, the way I speak English.)

In my other Anubias, the spathe tissue opens widely flat and the
spadix sticks up as in your denuded picture. Of course, I only have a
couple of varieties (and maybe only one). But they do come from Africa
and the fact that your supplier has a bunch of others leads me to
believe that they are likely sourced with your other Anubias and not
an oddball from an Asian shipment.

As the discussion has indicated, if growth hormones have been used
they will eventually wear off. Part of my Cryptocoryne presentation
includes pictures of a reluctant bloomer that I induced to bloom with
GA3. It produced a succession of three blooms. The first was wildly
distorted. The second was less so. The third was comfortably in the
range of Cryptocoryne wendtii (a complex of at least 10 to 20
different cultivars). It took nearly a year for the GA3 to wear off.
The plant has never bloomed since the GA3 wore off. The GA3, curiously
to me, did not produce odd leaves.

Come to the IAS Annual Show in September and I'll show you my
presentation on Crypts, including the pictures I described.

This invitation is open to anyone else, too. Come to the show and meet
Peter Boyce, as well. Or maybe come primarily to see Peter and
secondarily meet with me.

Ted Held.

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