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  [Aroid-l] Aroideana 35
From: "Derek Burch" <derek at horticulturist.com> on 2011.12.08 at 03:00:54(22447)
Hi Aroiders,

Can I hope that everyone will now be able to move on anything that might be
planned for submission to Aroideana? This month will race by, as you well
know, but I am not going to go through the stress of late papers any more,
so Jan 1st is not just a target date, but an almost deadline. If you are in
contact with any potential authors on other matters, please slip them the
word that the editor is perfectly willing to go to press with a 25-page
volume, if that is all that is to hand.

I am very anxious to continue our mix of scientific and "horticultural"
papers, and got several promises from intending authors at the meeting in
Miami. Now is the time !!




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