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Re: [Aroid-l] tacca chantrieri
From: Peter Boyce <phymatarum at googlemail.com>
on 2011.12.19 at 06:11:46(22487)
Tacca species with entire leaf blades are plants of the forest floor in the humid to wet tropics. They are highly sensitive to dry air to too much direct light. Even here in Malaysia, where several species originate, in order to cultivate them successfully they need shade and humidity. Another factor may be that the plant is getting chilled or heat-scorched from being too close to the glass.
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From: aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of Zanezirklejr@aol.com
Sent: Monday, 19 December, 2011 2:33 AM
To: aroid-l@www.gizmoworks.com
Subject: [Aroid-l] tacca chantrieri
I recently got a tacca chantrieri and the new leaf that grew turned black and died. I've been misting it and a new leaf has begun to emerge, I keep the plant in a bright window and around 70F . Can anyone tell me why the leaf died before unfurling? Does it need a humidifier?
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