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  Re: [Aroid-l] sources.......variegated M.deliciosa?
From: Sheldon Hatheway <sfhatheway at yahoo.com> on 2012.02.07 at 07:44:27(22555)
Hello, Mr. Baker!!

I just happen to have a variegated Monstera deliciosa growing in the ground in my greenhouse. It has two stems. The taller of the two is only slightly variegated, but grows better. The shorter stem (about 2' and half a dozen leaves) long shows much better variegation, but doesn't grow nearly as vigorously as the greener stem. The leaves are split, but have not yet assumed the mature form with the 2' wide leaves, rough petioles, thick stems, short internodes, etc. My regular Monsteras are a little over 40 years old and have had their mature form for more than 30 of those. The variegated stem has aerial roots, but none have reached the ground yet to form regular roots. I would be happy to send you a cutting for
the cost of postage, but it won't be safe to ship until Spring or early Summer. That would also give me time to get some real roots on it.

Let me know if you're still interested.

Sheldon Hatheway



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