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[Aroid-l] Fwd: High elevation plants
From: Brian Williams <pugturd at windstream.net>
on 2012.02.22 at 00:57:59(22566)
I have seen an new very odd way to grow high elevation plants. I have
had really good luck on a living wall I made in the greenhouse that had
a somewhat nice cool micro-climate from the evaporating water. Recently
I ran into a photo of a guy growing cool growing orchids in a very
ingenious way. The idea is to take a old stove pipe flu or clay
drainage pipe. Glue the bottom to a tray or bowl and then fill the pipe
with water. The clay naturally tends to stay cooler than most surfaces
and the added water tends to help to this effect. The water penetrates
the clay and keeps it moist as well as producing condensation. I am
trying the technique now on a few fussy Anthuriums.
Here is a link to the blog of the guy that started using this. It maybe
a new way for some of us to grow those impossible plants. Plus it is
cheep and easy to do.
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