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Re: [Aroid-l] Fwd: High elevation plants
From: "Ertelt, Jonathan B" <jonathan.ertelt at Vanderbilt.Edu>
on 2012.02.22 at 16:34:46(22583)
In addition to finding the drain tiles, I am also very curious about the
polycarbonate tubes. Once one can find the drain tiles, they might be cheap,
but polycarbonate tubing with a 14" diameter is between $6-800.00/foot.
There may be cheaper alternatives, but all is relative - that's not cheap
that's a serious bundle! Obviously the clear tubing isn't necessary if
you've got a greenhouse - but I'm just curious about possible alternatives
without 2nd mortgages! Any ideas?
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On 2/21/12 11:43 PM, "Steve Marak" wrote:
> Brian,
> I've seen this technique described before (in the orchid world) and have
> wanted to try it - but I can't find the drain tiles! Where did you get
> yours?
> I've called or visited at least two dozen places here in NW Arkansas that
> sell brick, tile, etc. etc. and no one carries clay drain tiles any more.
> They have flue tiles but they're huge and are not nearly as porous as the
> ones on that blog look.
> Steve
> On Tue, 21 Feb 2012, Brian Williams wrote:
>> I have seen an new very odd way to grow high elevation plants. I have
>> had really good luck on a living wall I made in the greenhouse that had
>> a somewhat nice cool micro-climate from the evaporating water. Recently
>> I ran into a photo of a guy growing cool growing orchids in a very
>> ingenious way. The idea is to take a old stove pipe flu or clay
>> drainage pipe. Glue the bottom to a tray or bowl and then fill the pipe
>> with water. The clay naturally tends to stay cooler than most surfaces
>> and the added water tends to help to this effect. The water penetrates
>> the clay and keeps it moist as well as producing condensation. I am
>> trying the technique now on a few fussy Anthuriums.
>> Here is a link to the blog of the guy that started using this. It maybe
>> a new way for some of us to grow those impossible plants. Plus it is
>> cheep and easy to do.
>> http://hawkdog.net/wordpress/archives/761
> -- Steve Marak
> -- samarak@gizmoworks.com
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