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  Re: Colocasia burgandy stem
From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1998.06.11 at 13:23:55(2270)
That sounds like an easier method than the multiple steps I used. I have
an area on my website where I describe the methodical care I gave to the
Caladiums & Colocasias. It worked great on the Caladiums but the
Colocasias turned into mush.

It's funny because last year (summer of 96) I never got to the Coloasias.
They were treated essentially the same as yours - I threw them into a bag.
I kept planning to "get to them" but just never did.

Surprisingly, I had great results that spring. It looks like the more you
do to them, the less you get back. I guess I'll just relax this fall and
try the paper bag method again.

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