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  [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus seed id please
From: "StroWi at t-online.de" <StroWi at t-online.de> on 2014.12.08 at 10:45:10(23180)
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Aroiders, esp. Amorphophallus-experts,

an Italian aroider friend purchased seeds of A. eburneus from malesiana.com.
The seeds are said to be collected by Peter Boyce, so I guess the information and spec is reliable.

After getting the seeds we are puzzled by the size, because we expected the seeds to be smaller from a spec that does not grow that big. We thought that the size would rather be like seeds from hewittii.
They are about the size of a large peanut ( 1 x 3 cm) and even slightly bigger than a batch of titanum I germinate at the moment. (See attached picture)

On the other hand Alan Galloway shows a picture of a seed of a similar size that we got (probably the same batch). http://www4.ncsu.edu/~alan/plants/aroids/amorphophallus/eburneus/1.html
And the picture in the genera list of the aroid.org might suggest that eburneus does not yield a high number of seeds and that they might be indeed so big.

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