From: plantnut at (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.06.30 at 04:32:01(2381)
Sorry, I have some bad news for you... Amorphophallus konjac will not grow
for us here in S. Florida. It is too hot in the winter time... and
possibly in the summer. It needs a rest period that is much cooler than we
can normally provide. I have been told to keep the tubers in the
refrigerator here during the winter....
As far as the potting media for any Amorphophallus, the best, for my
growing conditions, is a light epiphytic mix and a fertilizer with a high
middle number. I use 1/3 peat, 1/3 perlite and 1/3 composted pine bark
which is available from V-J Growers in Homestead and Universal Enterprises
in Pompano.
I have an A. konjac that was given to me several years ago. The tuber was
over 8 inhes across. Each year the tuber gets smaller and smaller and this
last year, it was only as large as the end of my thumb. It did not come
Sorry to give you the bad news....
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