IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] Anyone on here ? Rhaphidophora
From: Rosalind Gold <rozgold at pacbell.net> on 2018.08.06 at 22:31:40(23882)

I agree with the comments made about the decline of folks conversing in text in plant groups - I do know of a notable exception, which is a group of gesneriad growers, which have quite robust conversations.

I don't have an answer to Jude's question - although the recommendations that other folks have made seem quite sensible.

Finally, I'd encourage folks who are still reading the e-mail on this list as to do as much as possible to engage in conversation. I've posted a few questions, and I always get helpful responses - even if there's a not of people responding. For example, I had purchased a big-leafed anthurium at the IAS show in February, and after I potted it at home, all of the leafs died. I asked whether I should just throw out the stem and roots - and a few folks suggested that I hold on and water very lightly. Sure enough - several months later - it's now sprouting two tiny new leafs. The resilience of some plants is amazing!

Good growing all!

Roz, in Los Angeles



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