On 6 August 2018 at 23:34, Peter Boyce wrote:
Steve and all... I for one would be delighted to see Aroid-L with a new lease of life - the sheer quantity of "messages" I get when posting anything on FB has led me to being very selective, not to say the annoyance of trying to re-find a post that only moments earlier was on the screen but is now buried under a mass of images of peoples' food interspersed with persistent adverts for incontinence products.
Anyhow... in the vein of sharing... here is a nice dwarf Schismatoglottis we are in the process of describing for inclusion in the next Aroideana.
On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 at 07:21, Steve Marak wrote:
Pictures are definitely allowed.
I would ask that people not post a 20MB image file, since there
are still many people without fast Internet (and since that's far
larger than necessary) but the days of asking people to resize
their pictures down to the point where it's hard to see anything
are - I hope - behind us.
Post away!
On 8/6/2018 5:01 PM, The Silent Seed
As some of you might know, I import plants from
Thailand from time to time (with the proper paperwork, of
course) and a recent acquisition has me stumped.
These are called Variegated Zamioculcas - but the petiole
has the kinks that Gonatopus do. Is there some kind of new
Zamioculcas species floating around that hasn't hit the
mainstream market yet? The leaflets are heavily splashed
with creamy variegation, and are slender and more elongated.
I'm happy to share a picture if we are allowed?
The Silent Seed
Rare and Unusual plants from around the
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D. Christopher Rogers
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