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  Re: [Aroid-l] Philo 'Chumley' x 'Chumley'
From: Tom Croat <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2018.08.08 at 15:44:19(23932)
Dear Bernard:

I think that the Meconostigma (Now Thaumatophyllum) have a different biology. I have received seeds that were seemingly very dry which germinated. Typical aroids can’t be allowed to dry out
at all but perhaps since Thaumatophyllum evolved in the much drier habitats of the catinga and matte atlantica they have adobted a different reproductive strategy and that dry seeds are the norm. Find out from Taylor how many days his seeds were in transit.
I few days of wet conditions might be good but the longer transit time to Europe were not so good.




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