The main focus of my research project is on climbing, hemiepiphytic and
epiphytic aroids. At the moment, I am working in Panama and will be
collecting fruits in the lowlands and the mountains.
My selection of study species depends on the local flora and will mainly
include species from the following genera: Anthurium, Monstera,
Philodendron, Rhodospatha and Syngonium.
Specifically, my questions are: 1. How do I determine ripening of fruits
(ie. the point of time when I could already harvest them)?; 2. How do I
store seeds for longer periods?; 3. Are there any special prerequisites
for the germination of any of these genera/species?
So far, I already conducted some germination experiments with Anthurium
seeds and know how to handle them (at least for shorter periods of
storage). I also found some useful tips on, like two reports
by Windy Aubrey of the handling of Anthurium seeds. Does anyone here has
any experiences with using this technique of extended storage (by
submerging them in water) for other genera of Araceae? (in 2008, Vol.
30, No. 2)
I would really appreciate any information you could give me on the
propagation of aroids. Also, if you happen to have further information
on the phenology of aroids in Panama, this would be most helpful!
Thank you so much!
All the best, Tizian
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