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Re: [Aroid-l] Variegated Monstera deliciosa question
From: Ernesto Collosi <ernestocollosi at hotmail.com>
on 2019.08.19 at 01:56:18(24227)
Can’t tell you the difference, but the large leaf seed is at Whatcom Seed Company in Eugene, Oregon.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 18, 2019, at 3:04 PM, Cyndi Krall wrote:
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I have been trying for years to find a variegated Monstera deliciosa. I have tons of a smaller leaved version I was under the impression was Borsigiana, but when I google M. variegated, albo and borsigiana, I get a lot
of conflicting results. I was looking for the regular variegated version of the standard large-leaved Monstera deliciosa.
Can anyone tell me what the correct way to tell the difference is?
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