From: Steve Marak <samarak at> on 1998.09.13 at 22:54:28(2596)
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Sender: (Thomas Mottl)
Subject: Re: Philodendron squamiferum??
Dear Steve Marak
I will say something to the latin word "aceriferum".
The Genus Acer L. was named by Linne He has took the word Acer which means
in latin I hope itīs the right English word: sharp, a peak and that in ca=
of the wood of mapletrees. This wood is very hard an elastic so it was
applied for lances an related things. So the meaning of acer in aceriferum
means that the leafs are more sharpend as the normal P.squamiferum are. It
has nothing to do with the mapleleaf.The word squamiferrum come frome the
lain word squama and this means scales. Itīs an easy understaning name if
you see the plant with itīs "hairy" petioles. So I think squamiferum woul=
be the better name, but to say if its aceriferum you must have an isotype o=
better the holotype. I will looking for the descriptions of Schott maybe
there will be an explanation what is sharp at this variety.
The symptom that flowers of Philos fall down without flowering have I often
seen on my own plants. For example this year was first time that P. imbe
flowerd comeplely first time in 8 years.( There all growing in house at
windows) . I allways thougt that the conditions for flowering are often to
bad. Maybe to cold or less humidy or anythingelse.
But my P. squamiferum made now some inflorescenes some of theme has flowere=
and there is also something which made me a little bit confused. From the
petiole of one leave there are comming two inflorescenes, one normal and
another "thing" which is cover by a silvery membrane or skin. I will wait
until the normal flower open and then look in this thing, I never see
something like this.
Thomas Mottl
>While attempting to research this plant, I have got myself thoroughly
>confused. I'm sure Tom - if he's not off doing field work somewhere - can
>resolve parts of the confusion, but I also have some cultural questions,
>so I thought I'd post this to the whole list.
>In August 1994, according to my records, Tom and Petra gave me two
>cuttings of what was labeled as Philodendron squamiferum. It's a very
>pretty plant, with shiny green leaves of a shape hard to describe but very
>attractive, the "hairy" petioles which are darkish at the leaf end and
>light at the stem end, and it is either much smaller than a lot of the
>things Tom collects or doesn't mind being kept small. Both cuttings rooted
>easily and have been crawling around one end of my small greenhouse ever
>since, leaves turning up in odd places from time to time.
>A couple of weeks ago I noticed something different about one plant and
>realized that it was about to flower. A few days ago, though, the stem of
>the inflorescence began to yellow, and sure enough it aborted without
>opening. Dissection showed it was indeed an inflorescence.
>My first question, directed to all growers of this or similar species, is:
>is this a common thing or related to my culture, which is very casual? I
>don't recall it happening with aroids before - usually when they decide to
>flower, they do so. In either case, suggestions are welcome.
>As I often do, I went searching on the Internet for information about P.
>squamiferum. I'm used to getting no results on an initial high-level
>search and quickly moved on to the Tropicos database at MoBot and the Gray
>Index at Harvard.
>I expected a quick resolution at MoBot, given that Tom's collection was my
>source, but found nothing on P. squamiferum. A search on "Philodendron
>squam" returned only P. squamicaule. I scanned the list of collections for
>that species but didn't match Tom's collection number for my plant
>(71914). A look at Harvard turned up P. squamicaule, P. squamiferum, and
>P. squamipetiolatum, with an entry under P. squamiferum for variety
>aceriferum. Back to Tropicos at MoBot, where a search for "Philodendron
>acer" did indeed show P. squamiferum v. aceriferum, but no collections
>were listed.
>The second question, of course, is what is the currently favored name for
>the plant I have?
>Incidentally, if the answer is that I have P. aceriferum or P. squamiferum
>v. aceriferum, both names attributed to Schott, I must beg to differ if he
>meant the acer in the name to refer to the shape of the leaf. To me, those
>leaves resemble maple leaves only in the same way that topologists think a
>donut and a coffee cup are the same.
>-- Steve Marak