The tubers of my clones do occasionally produce offsets though never
I am also the proud owner of T. cardenasianum, which Eduardo is looking
for, but I am already discussing this with him (we have some rare Andean
refuge areas here in Holland................)..
In general the whole alliance of Spathicarpeae is fantastic. Gorgonidium
is also a prize to have. I have already distributed some spare material
of G. vermicidum a while ago. I hope it is growing everywhere I sent it.
I do have two other Gorgonidium species but they have not yet flowered.
Less impressive but interesting to have is Asterostigma, also
Spathicarpeae alliance. The inflors are not too impressive though. I
have A. peruvianum growing.
Spathantheum is nice too. I have S. intermedium and S. orbignyanum but
the last one is a bitch to grow. Anyone having any advice on growing S.
I am now awaiting an offset tuber of Synandrospadix of Steve Marak's
clone. Mine doesn't offset.
As you all can see, there's enough tuberous fun to be had with
Cheers all,