From: "Eddie Vernon" <eddie_vernon at> on 1998.12.23 at 14:40:36(2864)
Hello Don,
Actually I am in China this week and in order not to let my hotmail mail
box become full I have just deleted some of the messages from the aroid
list without reading them (!), but your message below escaped deletion,
because I thought it might be a private message.
I did happen to read the previous message too and understand you'd like
to know where to find plants? If so, the best plant market in Bangkok is
at the Chatuchak Weekend Market open every Saturday and Sunday -
everybody in Bangkok knows this market so if you ask at your hotel they
can give you instructions on how to get there. The market sells many
things besides plants, but the plants are concentrated in one corner of
the market. Across the road from this corner are also many plant shops
that are open for the rest of the week.
I am not a specialist in Aroids so I am sorry I can't recommend any
particular people to contact.Let me know if there is anything else I can
do to help.