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Re: Jack in the Pulpit
From: SHoltz1036 at aol.com on 1997.02.05 at 13:32:45(304)
Dear Linda,
A man by the name of Keith Clay did a couple of papers on flower size in A.
draconitum; I know that this is not the species that you are writing the
paper on, but it may help and you can reference them. All I can tell you
(and this is from scant memory) is that Keith Clay was a professor at Indiana
University as of a couple of years ago; he has written at least one paper on
A. draconitum flower size; I can't remember the journal (the only reason I
remember this much is because I did an undergraduate teaching internship
under him a couple of years ago and recognised the name). However, you can
reference his name in a scientific journal index; as a matter of fact, a
scientific journal index search would be well worth your while if you can get
to a university with a biology department.
Lots of luck -
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