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Re: Philodendron seed order
From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.02.10 at 19:55:18(323)
Neil: I would be willing to get involved with this as well. Initially
I thought that it was going to involve shipment to Australia and I
thought that this was too tenuous a connection.
Tom Croat
| +More |
Missouri Botanical Garden
St. Louis, MO
> Dear aroiders,
> There have been a couple more people express interest in being part of a
> philodendron seed order from Brazil. The list is now:
> Todd Ruth
> Christian Feuillet
> Dick Mansell
> Dr. Vic Soukup
> Kent Treadway
> Donna McGraw
> Neil Crafter
> Todd Ruth has kindly offered to be the US link man. He also suggested
> that Alvim Seidel be asked to send part of the order to the US and the
> balance direct to Australia with us paying additional postage. I guess
> this is an option although I'm not sure how Alvim Seidel will respond
> ,especially considering that we are asking for quantities of 100 seeds
> per species when their usual minimum order is 1000 seeds. We can but ask.
> Re Alvim Seidel: to date I have had absolutely no response to my fax, and
> I might try sending it again so I'm afraid I cant report as to their
> latest list or whether they have agreed to our 100 seed min. per species.
> When I have some more news I'll report back.
> regards Neil
> Neil Crafter
> Adelaide Australia
> golfstra@cyvox.net.au
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