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Re: Amorphophallus konjac will bloom!
From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.05.23 at 04:00:22(3388)
Perhaps Walter one can look about and glean the rewards and innovations of
others in other areas and then apply and alter to one's own benefit. I too
live in an area of the country where it is cold in the winter and hot in the
summer. I have found by being willing to look, listen and observe, one can
make adjustments that make it easier to grow that which we wish to grow. And
yes, it can be expensive and at times, difficult. The rewards can be great.
I have found that I can grow things that they in south Florida say they
cannot. I do believe that often the attitude is the determining factor. One
non success does not necessarily make a failure. Try and try again until one
comes to the conclusion, for now, this is not in the successful agenda. I
know Julius seemed amazed that I had grown dracontium from seed. I was
shocked that he could be surprised. I had no problem. Would I have tried if I
had known that it was 'impossible' to do? I did not know it was impossible
and low and behold, I have done it many times. You see, look at the glass
half full and you can learn that what you don't know at times can be to your
benefit. Believe. Do without expectations. Go with the intuition. Amazing
things happen!
Good growing with much joy.
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