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  Re: Amorphophallus titanum flowering at Selby Gardens
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1999.05.31 at 15:38:50(3406)
Dear Donna,
Thanks for keeping 'us' up to date on your twin 'babies', and enjoy the
well-deserved rest!
I`d like to suggest that you keep your eyes on the second and smaller (also
perhaps significantly, much less 'stinky') inflorsence. It may just yet
give another clue to something I`ve been seeing in some Aroids
(Anaphyllopsis americana, for example), and which has been 'proven' in the
genus Arisaema, which is the ability for a smaller ('weaker'?) plant to
contribute to the gene pool by it`s pollen yet not it`s seed, as it is/may
be unable to provide enough resources to support the development of seed
during the long time it takes for an infructesence to develop. Even if the
pollenation on the second and smaller inflor. does not 'take', maybe a
portion of the female zone should be preserved in spirit so that the
structure of the female flowers would be available at a later date for
dissection and analysis? This may all be a moot point, as hopefully you
will see signs of an infructesence developing soon!
Please keep us informed, and again congrats!

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