The International Aroid Society (IAS) was founded in June of 1977 at the
home of Bette Waterbury, who became the first President. Dr. Michael
Madison, Taxonomist at Marie Selby Botanical Garden in Sarasota, Florida
was the Guiding Presence and became the Editor of our Scientific Journal,
the Aroideana. The name was suggested by Dr. Dan Nicolson of the
Smithsonian Institution. It means 'having to do with or pertaining to
aroids.' The Society is dedicated to promoting the study of the aroid
family in all its aspects. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest
in this plant family.
The IAS has been a fast moving organization. By the end of the year, 1977,
there were already 73 members. This progress has continued. There are now
over four hundred members world wide and we continue to grow.
Publications: Aroideana is published one Volume per year and contains in
excess of one hundred pages. Sometimes it is published more than once
during the year and these additional Aroideanas are Numbered. Usually, the
number of pages totals about one hundred for the year. This publication is
devoted to the more scientific aspects of Araceae. The Newsletter is
published bi-monthly and is a more 'chatty' publication. Here,
announcements, general horticultural information, plant exchanges and new
Aroid Literature are discussed.
Visit our Web Page at ><. There you
will find a multitude of information and a Membership Application.
Membership Fees: Individual Membership (USA) $25.00
International (via Air Mail) $30.00
Libraries (Spec. Handling) $35.00
To become a Member, send your check in the appropriate amount, payable to
'International Aroid Society' to:
Membership Chairman
International Aroid Society
P. O. Box 43-1853
South Miami, FL 33143
We would like to have *you* as our next new member!
Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
Davie, Florida 33328
FAX: (954) 680-0305